International Academic Conference
International Academic Conference
MarketBuildingand Institutions:
Comparison betweenChinaandEurope
The conference is jointly organised by
Center for European Studies, School of Advanced International and Area Studies, SAIAS ,ECNU
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France)
FrenchCenterfor Research on ContemporaryChina(Hong Kong)
With the support of French Embassy inBeijing
and French General Consulate inShanghai.
October 29th
9 : 00 – 9 : 15 : Opening session
9 : 15 – 10 : 40 - Market Economy and Global Economy
Chairman : Prof. Feng Shaolei, School of Advanced International and Area Studies, ECNU
Speakers :
Dr. Pierre Paul Zalio, ENS de Cachan : Regional integrated markets or globalization
Prof. Dai Bingran, Center for European Studies, Fudan University: Challenges of Global Economy Integration & European Integration
Commentator: Prof. Feng Shaolei, SAIAS, ECNU
10 : 40 — 11 : 00 Coffee Break
11 : 00 -12 : 40 - Market Economy and Taxation Systems
Chairman : Dr. Gilles Guiheux, CEFC, Hong Kong
Prof. Guy Gilbert, ENS de Cachan, Rules that define economic action: the case of fiscal policies and their territorial impact
Prof. Liu Xiaobin, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Learning between Chinese and American Taxation System Reform
Commentator: Prof. Yu Nanping, School of Advanced International and Area Studies, ECNU
12 : 40 - 14:00 Lunch
14 : 00 - 15:45 - Market Economy and Labor Force Protection
Chairman : Prof. Dai Bingran, Center for Europoean Studies, Fudan University
Ms. Elodie Béthoux, IDHE - University Paris X, Multinational Companies and Workers Social Rights in Europe
Prof. Lu Ming , Fudan University , The Inequality-Growth Nexus in the Short – and Long –Run : Empirical Evidence from China
Commentator: Prof. Chen Yingfang, Dean, Sociology Department, ECNU
15 : 45 – 16 : 00 Coffee Break
16 : 00 – 17 : 45 - Market Economy System and Public Administration
Chairman :Dr. Pierre Paul Zalio, ENS de Cachan
Speakers :
Prof. Claude Didry, CNRS-Ens de Cachan, The restructuring of European industries. What lessons can China learn?
Prof. Zhou Hanhua, Director of Administrative Law Division of Chinese Academy of Social Science, Researcher, Public Administrative Control and Market Economy Process
Commentator: Dr. Gilles Guiheux, CEFC, Hong Kong
Oct. 30th
9 : 30 - 10 : 45 Market Economy and Transition
Chairman :Prof. Feng Shaolei, SAIAS, ECNU
Speakers :
Dr. Gilles Guiheux, CEFC, Hong Kong, The legacy of the planned economy in the market economy
Prof. Yu Nanping, SAIAS, ECNU, Market Economy and System Selection
Commentator: Prof. Pierre-Paul Zalio, ENS de Cachan
10 : 45—11 : 00 Coffee Break
11 : 00—12 : 00 General discussion