澳大利亚Latrobe大学教授Joseph Camilleri来俄中心演讲
应华东师范大学俄罗斯研究中心主任冯绍雷的邀请,澳大利亚Latrobe大学教授Joseph Camilleri来俄中心访问并作系列演讲,具体是:
9 Dec. (Tuesday) Center for Russian Studies, ECNU
9:30 am International relations theory in the age of globalisation
3:00 pm Globalism and regionalism in the era ofAmerica’s imperial decline
10 Dec. (Wednesday)
10:00 am Media Interview
3:00 pm FudanUniversity
Globalism and regionalism in the era ofAmerica’s imperial decline
11 Dec. (Thursday)
10:00 am Shanghai Institute for International Studies
Preference for discussions: regional and global security; international terrorism and the war on terror; the role of theUnited Statesin world affairs; potential flashpoints in the Asia-Pacific region, including the Korean situation.
3:00 pm Australian Studies Centre, ECNU
Terrorism and the war on terror
12 Dec. (Friday)
9:15 am ShanghaiAcademyof Social Sciences
A lecture on the issues of a) the declining power of theUS, b) the war on terror, and c) regional order in Asia Pacific.
Afternoon City tour ( Huaihai Road, old city, the Bund, Pudong development area)
13 Dec. (Saturday.) Excursion to Zhou Zhauang, a cultural relic in China.
14 Dec. (Sunday.) Shopping and departure