5月25至26日,“2016北极会议”(High North Dialogue 2016)在挪威诺尔兰郡首府博德市成功举办。本院潘兴明教授、陈静老师,与5位硕士研究生---史书怡、邰洁、Timothy Hughes(美国)、Nodirjon Boybirov(乌兹别克斯坦)和王韵涵等共同参加了该会议。
潘兴明教授作为本次大会唯一受邀的中国学者在会上做主旨发言,并在闭幕式中做总结发言。同时,Timothy Hughes和史书怡也在大会中呈现了精彩报告。会后,我院师生代表华东师范大学,见证了诺德大学校长亲笔签订了华东师范大学与诺德大学(Nord University)深化双方合作与学术交流的协议。
本次北极会议的主题为The Blue Future of the Arctic(北极的蓝色未来),着重探讨随着北极平均气温的不断升高,未来在北极地区将可能出现的一系列新的商业价值和政治格局。大会汇集了来自全球范围的北极问题专家、学者、商界与政界精英,以及来自中国、挪威、俄罗斯、美国、芬兰、加拿大、冰岛、意大利、韩国、新加坡、欧盟等多国和地区的与会者。
此外,我院的硕士研究生Timothy Hughes也受大会主办方的邀请,在大会的“青年北极领袖”(Young Arctic Leader)环节代表华东师范大学就“美国的北极政策”做主题报告。
除了参与北极会议之外,我院的5位研究生同学还参与会议附带的北极对话研究生课程,并在情境构建(Scenario Building)的比赛环节呈现出彩表现。该比赛将所有来自全球各地的102位硕士及博士生分为10组队伍。我院5位研究生分别被划分在不同的队伍中。通过紧张的头脑风暴和准备,我院有4位同学成为各自小组的代表,参与最终的现场展示。经过激烈的比赛,史书怡所代表的小组最终获得了所有10组队伍中的冠军,同时也赢得了在北极大会中展示成果的机会。本院其他同学也都在展示中获得了很高的评价。
(撰稿: 王韵涵)
Timothy Hughes: The opportunity to partake in the High North Dialogue was an experience that only built upon my knowledge and understanding of the globalized world while also significantly providing me with a deep comprehension of how the Arctic is becoming ever more important to the nations of the world. Throughout the conference, it was very interesting to see how countries differed in their goals for the Arctic while simultaneously cooperating on many matters within the region even when having diverging opinions in other theaters of the world. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to briefly speak at the conference and in hind-sight, I personally would have liked to have seen more of an emphasis on the futures of the Arctic owing to the effects climate change. Being my first time in Europe, Norway was an amazing country to see and experience its culture. Although the small Arctic city of Bodo is not the equivalent of Paris, I am very grateful to have first seen Europe’s leader of progressive socialism.
Nodirjon Boybirov: As a student from outside of China, I find it very interesting to approach many of these topics dealing with China from a third party perspective. I feel this allows me to not only gain further knowledge about China, but also provides me with the opportunity to use my outside experience to interpret the scenario; thus, giving me a unique perspective. During the scenario workshop I learned many different methodologies for scenario building on various topics related to the High North. Additionally, during the conference I was able to acquire knowledge about the present day situation in the Arctic Region. Besides that I always feel very joyous and fortunate to meet and greet people belonging to different backgrounds and cultures. As such meetings are always important because they prove to be beneficial in future also it makes things easy to cope whether one works or studies in his own country or outside the country. It would be an amazing opportunity to attend the High North Dialogue next year.
王韵涵:此次挪威之行,首先让我增强了自信心。我在Scenarios Building环节的演讲受到了评委和同学们的肯定,让我在往后对于类似的演讲充满了自信和期待。其次,通过对于国际会议的参与,我不仅更加直接和深入地能够同来自全球各地的学者进行思想上的交流,在全英文环境中进行自我训练,同时,也让我初步了解了国际会议的召开机制,以及对国际礼仪的掌握。再次,亲临挪威,让我有机会感受挪威独特的当地文化,拓展我的文化视野,丰富自己的人文感受。